Listen to Upanyasams online!

We have already said this before. The site has an amazing collection of Sri Vaishnava articles like e-books, Photos, Audio & Video. Now they have added a Flash Music Player to their website, so you can listen to the upanyasams without needing to download any software or for that matter even the source file! This is extremely useful when you are on public computers and don’t want to download the files. Just click on the play button and listen to the upanyasams. Upanyasams of famous people like Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami, Sri K B Devarajan Swami and many more are available in English & Tamil.

These are some of the upanyasams available.

Bhattar Thirumanjana Kattiyam
18 Rahasyangal
Bhagavatam For Daily Life
Knowing God Through Vedas
Ramanuja Vaibhavam
Ramayana For Daily Life

Link –

Note : You need to have Flash Player installed to be able to listen to the upanyasams. But 98% of the browsers have Flash Player installed. Incase you dont have Flash Player, you can download it from the following link. It’s just a 2MB Download.

Download Adobe Flash Player

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