The importance of Surya Namaskaram & more. Explained by a Scientist

Another interesting discovery adds further proof to the wisdom of our ancestors. If you had wondered about the benefits of Surya Namaskaram and the 3 Sandhiyavandhanams (done before sunrise, at noon & after sunset), this amazing TED talk below explains the benefits of spending a little time under Sun.

New Theory suggests current universe is just the latest in an endless string of universes

Its not uncommon for Science to announce something as a new discovery which has been perhaps said ages ago in our Scriptures. But still, this one is quite remarkable. It has always been said in our scriptures that the universe or Maya is time and again created and destroyed by Sriman Narayana after the 4 yugas, during the Pralayam. Until now there had been no proof of this in Science, but a new study by a group of Scientists suggests that the big bang that created our universe is not unique. At least one earlier big bang occurred, giving rise to a universe that existed before ours. Or to put it simply, the universe has been created again and again in the past, just as said in our scriptures. If the theory is proved right, it will be another testimony to the credibility of our culture and ancient scriptures.

We knew it happens again & again...

The  news article was published by National Geographic Society and can be read in the National Geographic site here.

My thoughts : Inception

No doubts. This is a Hollywood movie in this blog on Sri Vaishnavam. But Why? This critically acclaimed movie, I felt has a lot of things depicted that has been well said ages before in our Literature. Here go my thoughts on this movie and our culture.

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